Author Archives: nmarkussosionom

Psykiatrierpolitiskdrap is coming here on this blogg

My norwegian blogg is closed down from the company running the website, since I am in another country than Norway.
I am a norwegian nurse and trained socialworker who is telling the story of my life as a military experiment for mindcontrol.
The original blogg had about 50/60 postings, and I have backup of all the material and it will be published again.
Now the main thing is to tell the world that Norway is doing very big crimes to innocent unwitting humans.
I have already been complaining to the Norwegian Parliament with objective evidence of the case, and they have looked into it.
The answers from the Parliament was published on the original blogg, and the complaining period was 2 years and 8 months with letters back and forward.

First they said they had checked with the PST (The secret police), and they said they couldnt find anything wrong.
I told them again to check with military intelligence, like I wrote in the first letter, since I had clear evidence that this was connected to the Norwegian Army.
In the end I was sitting with a letter from the Parliament were they say that they couldnt confirm or deny that it was the military intelligence, – because this was classified files. 
But they said also that they had check into it anyway, and they could not deny or confirm that they had experimented on my body and my person, – but… If they later found out something else, they would give me message about it…

I had already escaped from Norway, since “somebody” tried to kill me several times, and I could not understand why or who.
I was also under influence of mind-control and weapons that very few have heard about. 
I did not know anything about implants and microchips in humans, never heard about it before…
I found objective evidence and complained to Norwegian Parliament, but some people from Norway came after me, and they did not have peaceful intentions.
More about this in other postings..
So I emigrated from Norway, official…

And I started working to get the case to European Human Right Court to get the Norwegian Government convicted for unethical experiments on humans.

I was sabotaged, and mail was stolen and disappeard. 
The Norwegains that came after me was building networks in the country I was in, and soon I had the whole Gladio attacking me…
My computer was hacked every day etc…
I was shot at, they tried to shot for kill…
They tried to poison me…
They break into my home..
They some way got keys, and destroyd my computer and also stole several important files and articles, and destroyd cd’s with data-files… 
They started knocking me down, violence..
Harrasment from a “new network” that was built up because I was there, networks connected to Gladio NATO, and ISRAEL.
All this, because they are using similar technology.
The Norwegians faked papers and lied about my person and my status, and they also lied about what kind of technology I had in my body.
The network of Labour/party of Norway (AP) was in full attack, and they used even policemen, journalists etc to build up the lies, to get support from their allies, so they could stop me from bringing the case to the Human Right Court and to tell the truth…
(Norway have a system where even policemen are agents of the military intelligence of Norway)

Its so much much more…
And about 50/60% of the case was published on, and then the website closed it down, because I am not in Norway/Scandinavia anymore…

Anyway, this blogg is started only to tell that they cant stop me.
Everything that was published, is going to be published again, on this blogg, or another webpage/blogg.
You can get the information about this here, on this blogg.
Every new adress is gonna be published here…

I am also writing two books about these things, because every Human Right Court case is public information, and its International Law. And this means that they cant stop the information from coming out of national security reasons, since International Law is above National security laws…

I will also publish names and pictures, adresses, tape/recordings and videoes and other details of all the people who have been helping Norway to trying to stop me.
They were all in to it, so then all have to take the blame…

So to put technology into humans was already done during WW2 by the Germans.
Now they call this HUMINT, and its a big industry for criminal groups inside and outside the STATE-systems OF MILITARY INTELLIGENCE and Law-enforcement agencies, and also Law Enforcement Assistant agencies.
Its connected to health-systems, medicine, unethical experiments, economy, politics, drugs, prostitution,white-slavery, illegal organ trafficing,and also music industry, and several other issues than where it supposed to be used,- into army business…

America took over the German system after WW2 and built up the psychiatry.
The psychiatry is a secret surveillance system, connected to the so-called “stay-behind” forces, also called Gladio. 
The Russians also used this systems. And now, since 1984, there have been a big change in the world around power. The former enemies are working together to build a New World Order. This is connected to the Masons.

All of these things I have all the details of informations, and I am putting out these things too, –  since Norway is only a smal part of the big picture.

I am a nurse and a trained social worker, and I have spent my life helping other people. And its against the International Laws to put technology into people and use them as slaves.
This is what they did to me…
I suppose to kill one man,- that was my “mission” from the Norwegian robot-builders, that changed me into a “experiment”.
I failed, I did not kill. And they tried to do it again…
And I failed again…
Something higher than me was protecting me, and I am a very religious/spiritual man.
In the end I understood I was “driven like a car, where I was sitting in the backseat” with someone else driving.
I escaped Norway, and started investigating what happened to me, and I found answers…
Not so lucky all the school/killers that shot 17 and then shot them self…
Its been epidemic the last years.
Its called a “manchurian candidate”…

With the information I will publish, there will be many people who can get their court-case up again…
Personally I know one man who killed in my town, and after he did not know what happened. He went to the police, full of blood, reporting “something had happened”, but he did not know what… I know also about other people from my district in Norway…

Anyway, this is all for now…
I am not giving up, fight for what is right, even if you die from it, the Lord God will be fighting by you side…, 

You can write to me on this adress:

Please, only serious letters will be answered.